Saturday, 25 January 2014

Template ClassiPress Bajakan

Template ClassiPress sebenarnya adalah satu dari sekian banyak template wordpress komersil. Namun ada juga yang mebagikan template ini namun yang bajakan. Template bajakan yang sudah saya coba rata rata ada saja masalahnya. Mulai dari error saat penginstalan dan lainnya. Saya sudah coba mencari2 dan akhirnya bisa juga membuat sebuah situs berbasis wordpress dengan template bajakan classipress. tujuan saya menulis artikel ini sebenarnya untuk catatan saya. Sebab susah sekali mencari dan memperbaiki error error yang saya temukan jadi sayang sekali kalau sampai saya lupa. Ini sesuai dengan template bajakan yang saya dapatkan. Jadi kalau ternyata di template bajakan anda tidak bekeja, maka anda harus mencari petunjuk di tempat lain hehe.

  1. Error saat aktivasi template: (Fatal error: Cannot re-assign auto-global variable _POST in public_html\wp-content\themes\classipress\includes\gateways\paypal\ipn.php on line 124)Saya coba browsing tapi tidak dapat. Jadi saya berimprofisasi sendiri dengan :
    - membuka file ipn.php pada direktori diatas (\wp-content\themes\classipress\includes\gateways\paypal\ipn.php)
    - pada baris 124 berisi kode berikut "function cp_handle_ipn_response($_POST) {" tanpa tanda kutip
    - hapus kode $_POST dan coba aktivasi lagi ternyata berhasil :)
  2. Setelah aktivasi, muncul pesan error lainnya: (Warning: Missing argument 2 for wpdb::prepare(), called in public_html\wp-content\themes\classipress\includes\admin\admin-updates.php on line 387 and defined in public_html\wp-includes\wp-db.php on line 992) di halaman admin ataupun frontand. saya muter2 bahkan sampai forum forum bule tapi tidak dapat penyelesaiannya. Finally saya dapat juga tapi bukan pada pembahasan error di atas. Namun semua pesan error diatas terselesaikan dengan cara berikut:
    - buka file wp-db.php pada direktori (public_html\wp-includes\wp-db.php)
    pada baris 992 cari kode berikut "function prepare( $query, $args ) {" tanpa tanda kutip
    - ganti sebaris kode diatas denga kode berikut "function prepare( $query = null ) { // ( $query, *$args )" tanpa tanda kutip
    - Problem Solved :)
  3. Berikutnya Saya ingin merubah Button/Tombol "Post an ad" di halaman frontand menjadi "Pasang Iklan".
    - Buka file theme-header.php pada direktori (/public_html/wp-content/themes/classipress/includes/theme-header.php)
    - Pada baris 124 cari kode "<a href="<?php echo CP_ADD_NEW_URL ?>" class="obtn btn_orange"><?php _e('Post an Ad', 'appthemes') ?></a>" tanpa kutip
    - Rubah tulisan "Post an ad" menjadi "Pasang Iklan" tanpa kutip
    - Success
Berikut ini list direktori, file dan baris kode untuk translate tempalte classipress manual:
Direktori : public_html\wp-content\themes\classipress\

file: 404.php

23- <?php _e('Whoops! Page Not Found.', 'appthemes')?>

25- <?php _e('The page or ad listing you are trying to reach no longer exists or has expired.', 'appthemes') ?>

45- <?php _e('Sponsored Links', 'appthemes') ?>

file: author.php

40- <?php _e('About','appthemes')?>
49- <?php _e('Member Since:','appthemes');?>
50- <?php _e('Website:','appthemes'); ?>
51- <?php _e('Twitter','appthemes')?>
52- <?php _e('Facebook','appthemes')?>
58- <?php _e('Description','appthemes'); ?>
63- <?php _e('Latest items listed','appthemes'); ?>
83- <?php _e('No ads by this poster yet.','appthemes'); ?>
93- <?php _e('Recent blog posts','appthemes'); ?>
113- <?php _e('No blog posts written yet.','appthemes'); ?>

file: comments.php

15- <?php _e('This post is password protected. Enter the password to view comments.','appthemes'); ?>
33- <?php _e('to','appthemes'); ?>
63- <?php _e('Trackbacks/Pingbacks', 'appthemes'); ?>

file: comments-ad_listing.php

15- <?php _e('This post is password protected. Enter the password to view comments.','appthemes'); ?>
33- <?php _e('to','appthemes'); ?>
63- <?php _e('Trackbacks/Pingbacks', 'appthemes'); ?>

file: comments-page.php

15- <?php _e('This post is password protected. Enter the password to view comments.','appthemes'); ?>
33- <?php _e('to','appthemes'); ?>
63- <?php _e('Trackbacks/Pingbacks', 'appthemes'); ?>

file: featured.php

23- <?php _e('Featured Listings', 'appthemes')?>

file: header.php

25- <?php _e('Debug Mode On','appthemes'); ?>

file: index.php

26- <?php _e('Ad Categories','appthemes')?>
48- <?php _e('Just Listed','appthemes')?>
49- <?php _e('Most Popular','appthemes')?>
50- <?php _e('Random','appthemes')?>
61- <?php _e('Classified Ads','appthemes') ?>
61- <?php _e('Just Listed','appthemes') ?>
75- <?php _e( 'View More Ads', 'appthemes' ); ?>
87- <?php _e('Classified Ads','appthemes') ?>
87- <?php _e('Most Popular','appthemes') ?>
93- <?php _e( 'View More Ads', 'appthemes' ); ?>
106- <?php _e('Classified Ads','appthemes') ?>
106- <?php _e('Random','appthemes') ?>
120- <?php _e( 'View More Ads', 'appthemes' ); ?>

file: page.php

67- <?php _e('Sorry, no pages matched your criteria.', 'appthemes'); ?>

file: search.php

54- <?php _e('Sorry, no listings were found.','appthemes')?>
80- <?php _e('Sponsored Links','appthemes') ?>

file: sidebar.php

19- <?php _e('Join Now!', 'appthemes') ?>
27- <?php _e('Welcome back,','appthemes'); ?>
28- <?php _e('You last logged in at:','appthemes'); ?>
29- <?php _e('Manage your ads or edit your profile from your personalized dashboard.','appthemes'); ?>
33- <?php _e('Manage Ads', 'appthemes') ?>
33- <?php _e('Edit Profile', 'appthemes') ?>
71- <?php _e('Sub Categories', 'appthemes') ?>
106- <?php _e('BlogRoll', 'appthemes') ?>
123- <?php _e('Meta', 'appthemes') ?>

file: sidebar-ad.php

21- <?php _e('Map', 'appthemes') ?>
23- <?php _e('Contact', 'appthemes') ?>
24- <?php _e('Poster', 'appthemes') ?>
62- <?php _e('You must be logged in to inquire about this ad.', 'appthemes') ?>
80- <?php _e('Information about the ad poster','appthemes');?>
88- <?php _e('Listed by:','appthemes');?>
106- <?php _e('Member Since:','appthemes');?>
119- <?php _e('Other items listed by','appthemes'); ?>
139- <?php _e('No other ads by this poster found.','appthemes'); ?>
147- <?php _e('Latest items listed by','appthemes'); ?>

file: sidebar-blog.php

10- <?php _e('Popular', 'appthemes') ?>
11- <?php _e('Comments', 'appthemes') ?>
12- <?php _e('Tags', 'appthemes') ?>

file: sidebar-page.php

14- <?php _e('BlogRoll', 'appthemes') ?>
32- <?php _e('Meta', 'appthemes') ?>

file: sidebar-user.php

19- <?php _e('User Options','appthemes')?>
27- <?php _e('My Dashboard','appthemes')?>
28- <?php _e('Edit Profile','appthemes')?>
29- <?php _e('WordPress Admin','appthemes')?>
30- <?php _e('Log Out','appthemes')?>
47- <?php _e('Account Information','appthemes')?>
53- <?php _e('Member Since:','appthemes')?>
54- <?php _e('Last Login:','appthemes'); ?>
61- <?php _e('Membership Pack','appthemes')?>
62- <?php _e('Membership Expires','appthemes')?>
63- <?php _e('Renew or Extend Your Membership Pack','appthemes'); ?>
65- <?php _e('Purchase a Membership Pack','appthemes'); ?>
72- <?php _e('Twitter','appthemes')?>
73- <?php _e('Facebook','appthemes')?>
87- <?php _e('Account Statistics','appthemes')?>
111- <?php _e('Live Listings:','appthemes')?>
112- <?php _e('Pending Listings:','appthemes')?>
113- <?php _e('Offline Listings:','appthemes')?>
114- <?php _e('Total Listings:','appthemes')?>

file: single-ad_listing.php

21- <?php _e('Post Was Reported', 'appthemes'); ?>
23- <?php _e('Report This Post','appthemes') ?>
66- <?php _e('Location:', 'appthemes') ?>
67- <?php _e('Phone:', 'appthemes') ?>
70- <?php _e('URL:','appthemes'); ?>
72- <?php _e('Listed:', 'appthemes') ?>
73- <?php _e('Expires:', 'appthemes') ?>
79- <?php _e('This item has been sold', 'appthemes'); ?>
86- <?php _e('Listed:', 'appthemes') ?>
89- <?php _e( 'Expires:', 'appthemes' ) ?>
135- <?php _e( 'Description', 'appthemes' ); ?>

fle: taxonomy-ad_cat.php

25- <?php _e('RSS Feed', 'appthemes') ?>
25- <?php _e('RSS Feed', 'appthemes') ?>
26- <?php _e('Listings for','appthemes')?>

file: taxonomy-ad_tag.php

25- <?php _e('RSS Feed', 'appthemes') ?>
25- <?php _e('RSS Feed', 'appthemes') ?>
26- <?php _e('Listings tagged with','appthemes')?>

file: tpl-add-new-confirm.php

145- <?php _e('Thank You!','appthemes'); ?>
149- <?php _e('Your payment has been processed and your ad listing should now be live.','appthemes') ?>
151- <?php _e('Visit your dashboard to make any changes to your ad listing or profile.','appthemes') ?>
161- <?php _e('An Error Has Occurred','appthemes') ?>
165- <?php _e('This ad has already been published or you do not have permission to activate this ad. Please contact the site admin if you are experiencing any issues.','appthemes') ?>

file: tpl-dashboard.php

100- <?php _e('Below you will find a listing of all your classified ads. Click on one of the options to perform a specific task. If you have any questions, please contact the site administrator.','appthemes');?>
106- <?php _e('Title','appthemes');?>
107- <?php _e('Views','appthemes');?>
108- <?php _e('Status','appthemes');?>
109- <?php _e('Options','appthemes');?>
278- <?php _e('Delete Ad', 'appthemes'); ?>
278- <?php _e('Delete Ad', 'appthemes'); ?>
278- <?php _e('Delete Ad', 'appthemes'); ?>
281- <?php _e('Mark Sold', 'appthemes'); ?>
283- <?php _e('Unmark Sold', 'appthemes'); ?>
303- <?php _e('Are you sure you want to delete this ad?', 'appthemes'); ?>
314- <?php _e('You currently have no classified ads.','appthemes');?>

file: tpl-edit-item.php

186- <?php _e('Edit Your Ad', 'appthemes'); ?>
191- <?php _e('Edit the fields below and click save to update your ad. Your changes will be updated instantly on the site.', 'appthemes');?>
251- <?php _e('Images', 'appthemes') ?>
251- <?php _e('Sorry, image editing is not supported for this ad.', 'appthemes') ?>
262- <?php _e('Cancel', 'appthemes')?>
263- <?php _e('Update Ad &raquo;','appthemes') ?>
276- <?php _e('You have entered an invalid ad id or do not have permission to edit that ad.', 'appthemes');?>

file: tpl-full-width.php

57- <?php _e('No content found.', 'appthemes'); ?>

file: tpl-membership-confirm.php

76- <?php _e('Thank You!','appthemes'); ?>
80- <?php _e('Your payment has been processed and your membership status should now be active.','appthemes'); ?>
97- <?php _e('Thank You!','appthemes'); ?>
101- <?php _e('Your payment has been processed and your membership status should now be active.','appthemes') ?>
103- <?php _e('Visit your dashboard to review your membership status details.','appthemes') ?>
106- <?php _e('Membership Pack','appthemes')?>
107- <?php _e('Membership Expires','appthemes')?>
108- <?php _e('Renew or Extend Your Membership Pack','appthemes'); ?>
118- <?php _e('An Error Has Occurred','appthemes') ?>
122- <?php _e('There was a problem processing your membership or payment was not successful. This error can also occur if you refresh the payment confirmation page. If you believe your order was not completed successfully, please contact the site administrator.','appthemes') ?>

file: tpl-membership-purcase.php

110- <?php _e('Membership Not Enabled','appthemes') ?>
113- <?php _e('Administrator currently has memberships disabled. Please try again later.','appthemes') ?>

file: tpl-profile.php

75- <?php _e('Strength indicator','appthemes') ?>
75- <?php _e('Very weak','appthemes') ?>
75- <?php _e('Weak','appthemes') ?>
75- <?php _e('Medium','appthemes') ?>
75- <?php _e('Strong','appthemes') ?>
98- <?php _e('Your profile has been updated.','appthemes')?>
115- <?php _e('Username:','appthemes'); ?>
119- <?php _e('First Name:','appthemes') ?>
123- <?php _e('Last Name:','appthemes') ?>
127- <?php _e('Nickname:','appthemes') ?>
131- <?php _e('Display Name:','appthemes') ?>
154- <?php _e('Email:','appthemes') ?>
160- <?php _e('Website:','appthemes') ?>
166- <?php _e('About Me:','appthemes'); ?>
176- <?php _e('New Password:','appthemes'); ?>
179- <?php _e('Leave this field blank unless you would like to change your password.','appthemes'); ?>
183- <?php _e('Password Again:','appthemes'); ?>
186- <?php _e('Type your new password again.','appthemes'); ?>
192- <?php _e('Strength indicator','appthemes'); ?>
193- <?php _e('Your password should be at least seven characters long.','appthemes'); ?>
211- <?php _e('Thumbnail','appthemes') ?>
222- <?php _e('Delete existing photo?','appthemes') ?>
243- <?php _e('Update Profile &raquo;', 'appthemes')?>
Sementara segitu saja dlu.
Kalau ada saran jangan ragu ragu tinggalkan komentar :)
Sumber :

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